Use the code EXPAT to get this great discount. Regular tickets for the performances of Stabat Mater cost 80 euros, but for IamExpat readers, there's a special price of 39,95 euros!īook your tickets on the Beleefklassiek website or call 0900-8191 (calls cost 45 cents per minute). Get a 50 percent discount when you book your tickets via IamExpat.

Eindhoven, Catharinakerk, Sunday, May 14, 1.30pm.Leiden, Hooglandse Kerk, Saturday, May 13, 1.30pm.Utrecht, Janskerk, Sunday, May 7, 2.15pm.Rotterdam, Laurenskerk, Saturday, April 29, 1.30pm.Leusden, AFAS Theatre, Saturday, January 21, 7pm.Here is the full concert programme for the evening, which consists not only of The Four Seasons by Vivaldi, but some other beautiful Italian works as well: Together with the string quintet, Olga Zinovieva performs Boccherini's tender Stabat Mater with her impressive soprano voice. The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands will perform Vivaldi's famous Four Seasons with the Spanish violin virtuoso Enrique Gomez-Cabrero as soloist. Vivaldi's Four Seasons in the most magnificent concert venues in the Netherlands The dynamics in Summer are generally well executed with much detail and expression, but are overly fussy.There's nothing quite like Vivaldi’s masterpiece! Get ready to hear the four amazing concertos known as The Four Seasons, composed for violin and strings, that represent scenes of nature in music, inspired by each season of the year.

There are, however, occasions when the tempi varies from that written in the score, as in the opening of Winter. The tempi choices of all his outer movements push Vivaldi’s markings not quite to their limits, but are certainly on the quick side, while the central movements are slower, but very rhythmically driven. There is a bounding technical assurance and flawless intonation which radiates throughout. Not afraid of using vibrato to color his sound, he does so appropriately, notably in the Summer concerto. Li’s tone is bright, rounded, with a silvery quality.

The Spring Concerto sets the standard of everything that follows. Li has clearly done his research and follows the markings Vivaldi has put in the score. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, in a slimmed-down size, use modern instruments, which together with Li’s approach bring a real vitality to the work - full of youthful freshness, vigor, energy and a programmatic narrative The bird song is strongly conveyed in Spring, the intense heat and storms in Summer, the rhythmic drive of the dance in Autumn and the biting cold of winter. Christian Li, winner of the Yehudi Menuhin International Competition for Young Violinists, is a very confident musician indeed.